What is Your next step
on the route to
tomorrow's "Personal EU" era?
See on this "Personal EU" level route map at which stage you are on your way to a functioning PPPP cooperation era (Political, Public, Private, Personal).
What would the route maps of the other three P's look like and how would all four maps work better step by step in cooperation in practice?
The idea of a Personal EU TeamFinder is to choose one person from every EU country and bring them at once to your desktop.
All Personal EU members should be registered users and give real registration information, because the Personal EU system will be so safe that you can use it for buying, selling, official initiatives etc. You accept the suggested team members one by one - and if you don't accept somebody, then the TeamFinder will suggest the "next best one".
The Internet already knows the usage profiles of its users. TeamFinder uses this information to bring to your screen from each EU country that one whose challenges are most similar to yours.
Your screen (laptop, mobile phone…) is the meeting place of your Personal EU team, and the Personal EU communication tools make the interactivity nice and easy.
The "Personal EU Team Finder" is a first step towards qualified union-wide collaboration, team toolbox, millions of "Personal EU" teams…
Your Personal EU team would serve as an inspiring Union-wide "home nest" for you, as proof of a whole new kind of Union-wide self-esteem. With Union-wide team tools and exciting citizen challenges, Personal EU is a complementary level of "organicization", perhaps the best and most natural thing that could happen to the Union's Digital Decade as a pioneer of citizen-centricity.
The Personal EU TeamFinder is something very essential - and it doesn't exist yet.