Small questions for big answers

In social media, EU citizens spend more and more time on topics of interest to them, but have to be only intermediaries in the interaction - not builders of their own lives.

Trained for intl team

For years at school, we have studied in groups the knowledge needed for international everyday interaction: history, geography, religions... languages. Communication technology and people online already offer us a great opportunity for international interaction. Are we sure we have realized what practical possibilities we personally have to continue our growth from this in our daily lives?

Personal life force

In an internationalized world, promoting one's own life is a versatile technical-economic-social entity, in the promotion of which all of our resources are essential.

Good care of democracy

Human rights and democracy are not a given in the current world situation. As citizens of the European Union, our individual freedom is more secure than that of most people in the world. The direction global development will take depends on our common example.

How to increase voting %

Interest in voting in the European Parliament elections is unfortunately low today. Even lower is the level of challenge set by citizens to MEPs. Make people feel more meaningful?

EU life force

From the point of view of the EU itself, the meaningful interplay of the life force of the Union's almost 500 million people is an essential part of the realization of success.

2-level citizenship

As a basic right, the EU offers every citizen, in addition to country-specific citizenship, personal EU citizenship with its essential benefits and challenges.

My EU parliament

Citizens have their own central representation in the organization of the European Union in the form of the EU Parliament, which is elected by direct personal elections. 

Life quality up

Union-wide joint play is both fascinating and an essential part of the development of our quality of life in an unstable world. 

Multiply your power

Like the international networks of representatives, we EU citizens could, with a secure application created for us, have our own Personal EU team, which includes from each country that one person  whose contact surface with the essential challenges is most similar to our own.

Why TeamFinder needed now?

Personal EU teams must have tools to help them communicate with each other in hobbies, everyday situations, entrepreneurship... 

EU's common challenge is to immediately implement a good Personal EU team program for its citizens with key tools and a secure Union-wide TeamFinder as a central part of the program.

Citizen level. Why now?

Personal EU teams have excellent conditions to quickly grow into a general EU citizen's basic tool and prove their relevance as a found missing organizational level - and as a complementary partner of other Union-wide actor levels.

My Union-wide

24/7 team. Why?

Personal EU’s role in the local and regional innovation system is to motivate and activate citizens to be in a new way union-widely self-organized when solving their personal 24/7/365 problems and turning them into victories and benefits for themselves and their public/private neighborhood.

Why Safe

EU team mail?

Citizens' EU self-esteem and the broadening of their perspectives are only created by continuous purposeful actions. In connection with the renewal of the EU passport, the Union e-mail given to everyone would also give an opportunity for a safer Union-wide development of cooperation.

Who is your mep?

In the future, the development of the Personal EU era will naturally be the responsibility of the European Parliament, which we ourselves have chosen as our guardian, which itself is a living example of functioning Personal EU teams. With our voting choices in the EU parliamentary elections, we can also ensure that the right people are responsible for the development of our new cooperation tools.

The essential understanding

For the union’s member states the future of national languages is a question of life or death. The Personal EU concept is proud of every single European language – and sees a future European “anylanguage-to-anylanguage” translation/interpretation system development to be extremely essential for making the “European Dream Society” come true. Now the union’s innovation systems waste a power of 200 million citizens who can not communicate (not to mention innovate) in any language union-widely with each others.

Our common business

Personal EU is like a joint venture in which each citizen of the Union owns one share. However, other EU-wide actors who benefit from the whole can participate in the development of operations by financing the parts necessary for the creation and maintenance of the network and its tools.

A million EU teams?

The Personal EU service, which operates on the EU's own website and central social media, is easily a whole of up to a million different international teams. It is also suitable to act as an essential complement to the EU's traditional organizations and to promote joint success.

PPPP cooperation. What and why?

The EU should adopt the Personal EU concept to be an official part of its future PPPP collaboration (Politic. Public. Private. Person.)

Tool for internationalization?

Helping in internatWhen national companies expand their operations to other countries of the Union, it is useful to involve a Personal EU team, which represents customer potential, right from the beginning of the process - both to clarify the overall picture and to coordinate the different stages by country.

Benefit by buying/selling/doing together

Collaboration between similar-minded individuals adds new activity to their roles as consumers and as producers: They inspire each others to buy together specific products and services. They find very soon their individual roles and common challenges as result units of unique union-wide business ideas.

Union-wide feedback

Personal EU teams are also perfectly suited as union-wide test groups or idea teams of companies and public organizations, because they know how to take into account the effects of cultural differences, e.g. to the requirements of the products and their communication - and can also give quick feedback on special local situations.


a “Personal EU Team Finder”: bringing to you “the one like You” from as many EU countries as possible. A tag cloud based engine could exist in an open ID-safe EU website area. Such a tool would be essential, because without it collecting a big amount of Personal EU teams is almost impossible.


Collaboration steps

• finding the inspiring union-wide “someone-like-me-from-each-union-country” reality

• finding more and more daily level solutions to essential issues/problems

• finding the idea of qualified buying together (because of similar needs)

• finding the idea of doing/selling together (because of similar expertise and synergy requirements and the fact that “we are an union-wide company”).

• finding corporations as friends (because they need precisely right good union-wide skills and entrepreneurship as resources – and as target groups).

• finding the EU with its all organization levels as a friend (because the union loves and needs challenging people who can think, work and innovate union-widely in good understanding).

• finding their role and team friends in the outer world (for making EU “the worlds most advanced innovation society").